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Hey. I'M Rohiit.

Hello World! πŸ‘‹

I'm Rohit Kumar Chaurasia, a Software Engineer with a proficiency in web application design and engineering skilled in Python, Java, C/C++, Full Stack Development, Machine learning, MERN, Javascript and its frameworks.

You can find me on GitHub and Twitter β€” check out my bio for more info.



Implement responsive and interactive user interface using React.js Framework. Also Integrated Chart.js for better visualization of price movements.

πŸ’»Tools Used: React.js, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB

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This is E-commerce web-based food ordering application. Integrated Razorpay API Gateway for online payments.

πŸ’»Tools Used: Python, Django-Framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Bootstrap

🌐 Live Project

This project matched clothing items from social videos with an image gallery.

πŸ’»Tools Used: Python, TensorFlow, Flask-API, HTMl, CSS

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Develope a powerful text manipulation tool that helps to perform various text operations with just a few clicks. Whether you need to convert text to uppercase, lowercase, or title case, our website has got you covered.

πŸ’»Tools Used: React.js, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap

🌐 Live Project

Developed user interface that allows to browse the menu, place orders, while also developed interface for administrators with tools to manage the menu and view user orders efficiently.

πŸ’»Tools Used: Python, tkinter-GUI-library, MySQl

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This is a Customized Notepad project. A Customized Notepad using python. Not only you can write text file, but you can change font style, font colour, alignment of text, theme colour, font size.

πŸ’»Tools Used: Python, tkinter-GUI-library

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Β· Secured College Rank 4, AIR 427 in CodeKaze by Coding Ninjas.

Β· 3 Star Coder on Leetcode

Β· On Codeforces, with max rating of 1017.

Β· On Codechef, with max rating of 1539, 3 Stars.

Β· Secured Global Rank 4893 in Google Kick Start Round D 2022.

Β· Secured Global Rank 4414 in Google Kick Start Round E 2022.

Β· Secured Global Rank 3954 in Google Hash Code 2022.

Β· Secured Global Rank 8611 in Google Code Jam 2022.

Β· Secured Global Rank 5927 in Newton’s Grand Contest 2022 of Newton School.

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